I made it!!!

incoraggia l'Italia. desidero andare di nuovo all'Italia ed amo la gente italiana.
REINVENTION: Quit my job in IT, sold my house and moved from Cal to NYC for sommelier classes. GETTING MY HANDS DIRTY: Moved to Napa and worked in a vineyard making wine. TRAVEL: Through France and Italy on a wine scavenger hunt. Sto cambiando la mia vita e desidero imparare circa vino. Je change ma vie et je veux me renseigner sur le vin. TRY TO GET SERIOUS: Living in New York for 4 years and working as a Sommelier. NEW GOALS: Do my own thing, find love, speak Spanish, live wine.
At 3:38 AM,
Jp said…
Saw your post on CL and followed you to your blog. Your Italian is wonderful. I am Italian, spent a month in Bologna studying italian this last fall. Anyway, great pics, love the Iceland ones. I am in Brooklynm Park Slope..
At 3:40 AM,
Jp said…
Ps: if you wish to write back: Jptravels4fun@nyc.rr.com
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