I cut my pinkie off

I had surgery last Wednesday and the Wednesday before that, and things are looking good except I'm going to be off the floor at work for six weeks at least. I just finished moving into my new place and I was up on a ladder organizing stuff and the ladder tipped over. That's how my pinkie accident happened, so since I have this time to recover I decided to take care of my foot surgery that was planned for January.
Things are good and I'm bored. This is the busy season at work and I'm missing out.
Someone asked me the lesson learned from this whole thing and I can say the positive thing is that I truly like what I do for a living, the passion is real. All I thought about when I saw my little sausage finger sitting in the palm of my hand is how the heck am I going to open a bottle of wine. Bad thing is is that I'm not tasting any wine right now... maybe it's Gods way of giving me a time out. A mini rehab if you will. TV sucks.
At 4:49 PM,
kaykayono said…
How does one cut off one's pinky when falling off a ladder? Yikes! Hope all is going well and you don't get too bored! Feel better soon!
At 6:24 PM,
Mary Ann said…
very carefully is the answers to Kay's comment.
I should make a note that I was on morphine in this pic.
At 8:04 PM,
MArk. said…
Okay, that's pretty horrifying. I hope you are doing allright at this point and are recovering nicely. That being said, next time let's try to have the foresight to give the severed digit to a friend so we can claim we found it in our bowl of chili so that we can sue the pants off of some large fast food corportation.
At 4:19 PM,
CathyV said…
Glad to hear you are on the mend. So does this mean you are eligible for a temporary handicap sign for a car? My dad would love to borrow it. I noticed you were suspiciously vague on the foot surgery details - care to share with the rest of the class? (I'll leave my sisters out of this.) Just a suggestion - leave the pinkie off and get a custom-made finger designed out of platinum or something. Then you can become this legendary Sommelier with the Silver Pinkie and people would travel from all over the world to have you serve them. Cool! By the way - where is this roommate having you sleep - in the rafters or above the bookshelves? Miss you lots
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