I am feeling better.
What wine to drink in this economy? Other peoples'.
My wine. This is 2005 Groth Reserve Cabernet. I helped make it and it was just released. I cannot afford it though...
REINVENTION: Quit my job in IT, sold my house and moved from Cal to NYC for sommelier classes. GETTING MY HANDS DIRTY: Moved to Napa and worked in a vineyard making wine. TRAVEL: Through France and Italy on a wine scavenger hunt. Sto cambiando la mia vita e desidero imparare circa vino. Je change ma vie et je veux me renseigner sur le vin. TRY TO GET SERIOUS: Living in New York for 4 years and working as a Sommelier. NEW GOALS: Do my own thing, find love, speak Spanish, live wine.
At 10:52 PM,
MArk. said…
Hey MAg,
what kind of difference would you notice between the standard and reserve cabs? And what if you didn't have a sense of smell?
At 11:07 AM,
Mary Ann said…
the answers to your questions are that the reserves are richer, starting with the fruit being more intense b/c it's treated a bit better in the vineyard. the wine is aged in new, expensive french oak too. so it's like treating one kid better than another and buying them better clothes. on the nose, one smells "better" and more intense. as for not having the sense of smell, you would have to tell me. you can tell the difference in your mouth though... i'm pretty sure.
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